Pernod Ricard
10th Carte Blanche
By Stéphane Lavoué
Cinq Etoiles Productions, in association with Art Photo Projects, is proud to present its new collaboration with Pernod Ricard and photographer Stéphane Lavoué.
For its 10th Carte Blanche photography campaign, Pernod Ricard celebrates a new facet of convivialité, the intrinsic ability of the Group's employees to create genuine moments of sharing and celebration.
Stéphane Lavoué chose to use his lens to capture a series of encounters between real Pernod Ricard employees, and individuals renowned for their ability to engage with the community in which they live.
This is how a young Indian manager from Pernod Ricard India was able to meet the owner of a community pub in the Irish countryside, how a Nigerian sales representative could immerse herself in the life of a matriachal community in rural China.
The exhibition is presented at Paris Photo, Grand Palais, from November 6th to 10th, 2019.
With Art Photo Project - Fany Dupechez
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